Ross is such a creepy mother fucker.
But Mystery wins hands down for making a shitload of 12 y/o boys to try getting laid by performing stupid card tricks.
DD looks boring as shit to me.
What is this creepy 50y/o guy's name again, with the blond hair, the latin accent and his shitty wannabe rockstar style? He needs some honorable mention at least.
RJ's patterns are weird, but his underlying philosophy is not negative.
mystery is simply fucked up to the core.
his theories are dark, negative, and highly inaccurate, as proven by the fact that 99% of successful pickups ever done by man break his rules left and right, and still work.
he has some good concepts but he twists and exaggerates them, ignoring hundreds of other concepts that render his dark views totally inaccurate.
his theories only work when you want to pickup showbiz girls which require that you do some fireworks so they will pay attention to you.
for any normal girl (99.9% of the girls you will ever meet in your life), even the very hot ones, you will appear as way over the top and ultra weird if you follow mystery's ways.
strauss was mostly sleeping with low life bimbos or once again show biz girls. to prove my point he is currently dating the std hive ghita.
why am i going on and on about this? because if there is anyone reading this forum that is still 'looking for a road to take in the scene', i would make his life and the world in general a better place if i would convince him to stay as far away as possible from mystery.
you'll be far better off with rsd no matter how fucked up they are. RJ is ok as long as you don't go overboard with his weird patterns. david is ok as long as you don't overboard with his cocky funny bullshit.
basically almost all pua's are ok as long as you don't go overboard with their methods.
with one exception - mystery.
He's the biggest proponent of the whole "cold approach" philosophy, and the weirdly emotionally detached "survive and replicate" shit. All actions. Thus why he could get women and still be clearly unhappy as fuck. Leading all these dudes to think they could still be weird as shit inside, but cover it up and still get girls. And that somehow that's ok. Then you have dudes that learn all the right things to say and can rattle off routines for hours and attract girls, but inside they're a piece of shit. i.e. Barry.
I'd say RJ is the next weirdest. Again, manipulation. Anything that isn't telling you to change who you actually are inside is suspect to me. Doing something rather than being something, is bullshit.
Back when I was an 18 year old youngester and liked MM I thought fucking a girl wasen't "solid game" if you hadn't talked to them for 7 hours. I also laughed at my friends who were actually fucking girls at the time because they were "social circle" pulls.
Although it was a case of out the frying pan into the fire when I got into new Rsd following this, Mystery by some distance fucks guys up the most.
David DeAngelo and his cocky funny shit fucked me up the most. I never got into Ross or Mystery because I thought they were weirdos, but if I had I would've been even weirder.
Whenever I used to talk with a girl or interact in any way, I would always be thinking in the back of my mind "OK, be cocky funny. Say cocky funny things. Keep going cocky funny."
And most of the time, I just came off as a weird asshole. David D. should've called it the "Weird Asshole" technique.
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Excellent post. I lost my fair share of girls in the name of playing "solid game" as advised by Mystery, making sure I befriend the obstacle - accidentally distracting her while a natural steals the target. Mystery teaches to treat girls generically, but in reality the art or pickup is being able to identify the girls who are ready to fuck TONIGHT, well within the 7 hour bullshit time frame.
The 7 hour rule is by far the worst "rule" or theory that has been developed by the Seduction Community. Peacock is the second. Negging is the third. All these bullshit theories were developed by some psychopath, two-bit, no-name, second-rate magician. If you're going to follow someone, first make sure they're SANE.
You guys are just misreading what Mystery teaches, for real. Anyone with two brain cells rubbing together will know that it isn't meant to be use verbatim, and there's some flexibility and common sense that you need to use.
Also, negs are the most misunderstood thing in this community.
Real talk, bros.
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err.. if they applied independent thinking they wouldn't need a guru in the first place.
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have you been getting even a single girl with mystery's ways (that is not a warpig or a coke whore)? if so, you're one rare son of a gun, go list yourself in the guinness world records book, or better yet write a book of your own, because you're truly one of a kind.
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I've read his book and watched his videos. Some of the stuff he taught I didn't agree with and....guess what?
Am I amazing with girls? No. But I'm not here blaming someone else. Yea I tried Mystery's M3 model, it didn't work for me so I stopped thinking about it.
A lot of what Mystery says is legit. A lot of it is also based on his own subjective experience.
Like I don't think there's anything wrong with negs. Or peacocking (if you do it sparingly).
I think what in his "method" makes dudes get weird is that he tells them to memorize shit to say and has a whole memorized set of routines that is supposed to lead you to sex. Then there's his dogmatic 7-10 hour bullshit.
I always wondered, "Seriously?!?! No one has a problem with doing this?" Like my friends who told me about the community in the beginning would go out and use openers that were complete lies. Like the tattoo opener. Then a few weeks later, the girl would be like, "Oh, so did your sister (which he didn't have) get the tattoo?" Garbage.
I saw that from the beginning and was like fuck that shit, I'm never doing that. It's always been weird.
But I think it appeals to a certain super scientific, rigidly structured set of the population. I.e. engineers, computer scientists, scientists, etc. because it seems so laid out and logical. Step by step.
Which is garbage.
I always wonder where dudes get the idea though, that negs for instance, need to be every other word out of your mouth. Or cocky funny.
It seems like these dudes take this one tool and expand it to be everything they need. So they go out looking awkward as fuck, still don't know how to talk to people, dressed like an adult 7th grader, making these grating, off kilter, hate to say it, but "miscalibrated" comments to women. No wonder they get shot down left and right.
Then they blame David D or Mystery for that shit.
Jesus Christ.
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Mystery is so anal. He says that if a girl is a 10, you have to give her 3 negs right off the bat. And his negs are really fucked and childish, like "did you fart?", "you have man hands" or "you have snot in your nose". What the fuck? If you read Mystery's early posts, you'll find that he was just a loser trying really desperately to get girls. He'd only fucked 40 something girls (and he was including blowjobs and handjobs as lays) and yet he has boasting how he's the greatest pickup artist in the world.
The M3 model is FLAWED because it is based on the 7 hour rule. If you've had any experience with naturals you know that they work QUICK. I was applying Mystery's methods and talking to everyone in the group and befriending the obstacle and a natural would swoop in and be kissing my target in less than a minute. Naturals are the people you should be emulating, not geeks. Mystery also treats all girls generically and uses the same routines on them. He doesn't try to 'read' the girl to see if she wants a fuck that night - this is what naturals do. Naturals look for the horny chicks, approach them with whatever line is at hand (not some bullshit routine) and are kissing the chick in less than 20 minutes, and fucking her within hours. No emails, no numbers, no dates, no day 2s. If a natural senses that a girl isn't going to fuck THAT night, he moves onto the next girl until he finds a girl that will fuck THAT NIGHT.
Yes, Mystery has some excellent ideas, but his bad ideas will have insidious effects on your game and following his general structure will throw you way off track as to what is the best way to get girls and will also make you a social FREAK.
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Sure they have right to do so because Mystery said to them "this is counter intuitive, stop your critical thinking and do what I do and you will see who is right". Mystery is 100% sure that his method is for everyone even though his method is almost only for low self esteem magician dudes wanting to get some stupid bimbo. Even in the game he dressed up some businessman like a fagot and send him to get A FUCKING WIFE MATERIAL FROM THE CLUB! He belived that this will work even for that guy and his purpose.
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It's pretty good marketing to say that your techniques work for EVERYONE. What a nice target audience...every single guy in the world! The mystery method will work for any guy!
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I think there is something more to this - this guy is delusional.